Ruby Russell
Team Leader of Informal Education for Travel Groups
Campus Professionals
Ruby Russell first joined the AMHSI family as a JNF Impact fellow through which she studied at the school at the age of 15. After her semester at AMHSI she returned to her home in Boston Massachusetts and became a bold advocate for the state of Israel and an educator working to build the bridge between diaspora Jewry and Israel. Ruby made Aliyah in 2020 and moved to the Negev desert where she drafted to the IDF as a lone soldier. She served as a commander developing and implementing innovative instruction and command methods. Upon completing her service Ruby joined the AMHSI staff to support other young people in the same experience that was so powerful for her as a student. Outside of her role at AMHSI Ruby can be found performing and instructing Latin dance and volunteering to support senior citizens within her community in Tel Aviv.
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