Philip Shilco
Director of Labs & Science
General Studies Teachers
Phillip Shilco was born in Manchester, UK and was a member for four years and a madrich for Habonim. He has his B.Sc in Biochemistry from Kings College in London, his M.Sc in Food Science from University of Reading and his B.D.S in Dentistry from University of Sheffield.
While studying for his first degree, he served as the Chairman of U.C.S.J.- The Universities Comittee for Soviet Jewry. Phillip made Aliyah in 1976 and again in 1985. He served in the IDF (the Air Force) as a dentist. Following his service, Phillip worked as a general dentist, and English teacher and as a science teacher. As a science teacher, he has worked at AMHSI teaching Psychology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology.
Phillip is a proud father of four children and seven grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys Israeli folk dancing.
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