Michael Glassman - Staff image

Michael Glassman

Israel Studies Educator

Israel Studies Teachers

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Michael moved to Israel with his wife, Julie, in 2010. Their daughter, Tiferet, was born in March, 2014, and she is a first generation Jerusalemite.


Michael was a student at AMHSI in the Spring of 1998 and is honored to return to AMHSI to teach. He studied for his BA in Classical Studies and Ancient History at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. Between college and moving to Israel, Michael spent 5 years in the Washington, D.C. area working in politics for AIPAC’s Leadership Development Department, and another 2 years in Israel, studying in Yeshivat Darche Noam and living/working on Kibbutz Beerot Yitzchak.


Before becoming a Licensed Tour Guide in Israel in 2015, Michael spent several years guiding in Jerusalem at the City of David, Western Wall Tunnels, and Southern Wall Excavations. Michael has guided numerous groups on their summer Israel trips, including Ramah Seminar.

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