Discover Israel

At the core of everything we do at Alexander Muss High School in Israel is our focus on students experiencing the land of Israel to truly appreciate this magical country, all its history, and its people. This is accomplished through tiyulim (field trips), during which students, teachers, and madrichim explore Israeli sites, hitting typical tourist locations as well as off-the-beaten-path locales.

Tiyulim are subject to change each semester or mini-mester; read on for a sampling of the destinations and the meaning behind them.

Tel Gezer

Our first tiyul is a trip to an archaeological site located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.


  • Explore the importance of archeology and its role in understanding history.
  • Learn about the Canaanite civilization, and its relationship to the earliest Biblical texts.

Mt. Gilboa, Jezreel Valley, Mt. Tabor

Retrace the footsteps of the Judges of Israel along with Saul, the first king of Israel. From the summit of Mt. Gilboa you will take in the view of the Jezreel Valley and Mt. Tabor.


  • Gain appreciation for the Tribal settlements of Israel and a setting for the stories of Deborah and Gideon.
  • Hike down the mountain to retrace King Saul’s final battle against the Philistines, in which he lost his life.
  • View the beautiful springs and pools of Sahne
  • Experience a spectacular view of Jerusalem from Mt. Scopus

Judean Mountains

Learn how the early Israelites settled the land and made it their own. You’ll primarily explore the Sataf spring in the Judean Mountains, where you will hear about the ancient water system, terrace farming, and the challenges of nation forming.


  • A dramatic overview of Jerusalem
  • Tour the City of David to see the archaeological remains of Jerusalem’s water system, the kings’ palace, and a walk through the water system and Hezekiah’s Tunnel.
  • Spend time at the Kotel, the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site.

The Second Temple — Masada

A two-day trip focusing on the Second Temple Period (444 B.C.E. - 73 C.E.), including time at the Israel Museum, the Old City of Jerusalem, and Masada itself.


  • Study the model of the Second Temple at the Israel Museum and the remains of the Second Temple Period in the Old City of Jerusalem.
  • Climb Masada, explore the remains of the mountain fortress, and discuss the lessons to be learned from this most dramatic story.
  • Float in the famous Dead Sea, a salt lake whose banks are more than 400 meters below sea level, the lowest point on dry land on Earth.

Bar Kochba — Cave Day

Visit caves that were prepared in the last century B.C.E. and through the 2nd century C.E.


  • Learn about the Bar Kochba Revolt.
  • Explore caves in the Bet Guvrin area and visit other nearby archaeological remains.

Belvoir/Tzfat — Crusades & Kaballah

Travel to the Galilee to learn about two major historical episodes of the Middle Ages.


  • See a well-preserved Crusader castle to learn about the Crusader period in Israel and its effect upon the Jews.
  • Visit Tzfat, the infamous mystical center, developed originally in the 16th century. Learn about the Jewish community of the exiled Sephardic Jews and discover the primary text on Jewish Mysticism: the Kabbalah.

Farms and Early Zionism

Travel to the Galilee to learn of the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel at the beginning of the 20th Century with an emphasis on the rural development of the land.


  • Learn about the early pioneers, how they learned how to farm on the Kinneret training farm, and experimented with communal living.
  • Discuss the many leaders of the Zionist movement.

Modern Israel

Visit Tel Aviv and learn about its history as the first Hebrew City. The tiyul usually begins with a beautiful lookout view from above the city, followed by exploration on the bustling streets that will demonstrate the emerging lifestyle and culture of the modern State of Israel.


  • Tour Independence Hall, originally the home of Tel Aviv’s first mayor, Meir Dizingoff, where Israel’s independence was declared.
  • Visit the home and studio of Reuven Rubin, one of Israel’s most important visual artists, to see how art has reflected and helped shape modern Jewish culture.
  • Pay respects to Israel’s assassinated Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, at Rabin Square.

Holocaust Field Trip — Never Forget

Spend the day commemorating, remembering, and discussing the Holocaust.


  • Tour the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem.

Paths to Independence

Discover the various Jewish underground movements during Israel’s period of British Mandate.


  • Bring to life “clandestine immigration” through a simulation game on the beach
  • Visit the Atlit Detention Camp, a historical site supported by Jewish National Fund-USA
  • Explore the Akko Fortress, once the maximum security British prison, where many of the Jewish underground were held.
  • See the beautiful grottos of Rosh Hanikra.

Negev — A Day in the Desert

The Negev desert has always been an important region in Israel. Quirky yet brilliant Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion had a distinct vision for the whole country, and especially the Negev. Today, more and more development – much supported by Jewish National Fund-USA and technological advancements are making this area a place to watch.


  • Stop at Mitzpeh Revivim, an outpost south of the city of Be’er Sheva, established in 1943. This settlement played an important role in the UN Partition decision as well as in the War of Independence.
  • Visit the city of Sderot, and see what it’s like to live in an Israeli border town. Experience the juxtaposition of joy and somberness in Jewish National Fund-USA’s indoor playground, which serves as both a bomb shelter in addition to a safe haven for local children.
Living away from home has given me a whole new level of independence and has allowed me to connect with my friends in a unique way. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to deepen my connection with the Jewish homeland and share this amazing experience with my friends back home.
Hayley, Spring 2022

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