Our Israel Studies curriculum provides students with an interdisciplinary curriculum that involves a 4000+ year chronological historical perspective beginning with the Middle Bronze Age and ending with the modern Middle East. It introduces students
to facts, concepts and events that are basic to understanding the development of Western Civilization. The key to this program is using Israel as a “living textbook and classroom.” Our Israel Studies teachers utilize the
unique historical, geographic and human resources of Israel to help students understand the people of Israel in their land and the Jewish Diaspora in the context of Western Civilization.
The curriculum consists of over 250 hours of classroom and seminar-style learning. The class is interactive and debate oriented. Students learn the background of the time period one day and on the following day they study and hike at the
sites relevant to that lesson from the previous day. Our student to teacher ratio is 20:1 or less. 20 of the 56 class days are spent at historical sites. Students are in class 225–250 hours. The combination of seminars, low
student to teacher ratio, assignments, research and field classes qualifies The Alexander Muss High School in Israel for accreditation through the Commission on Secondary Schools of the Middle States Association. (A detailed curriculum is
available from the Dean of General Studies).